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““This class was great. Unlike typical college courses, this class puts the information into your hands and lets you apply your knowledge to save people.”

- Fue
Fresno, CA
Link 2 Life Emergency Training Blood-borne Pathogen Description "PRIVATE"
LINK 2 LIFE provides basic blood-borne pathogen training classes for the layperson that are taught to the recommendations and standards of OSHA requirements. Upon completion, the participant will be able to identify possible exposure potential, mitigation, and proper notification procedures. In addition, the student will have a basic understanding of blood-borne pathogens and their threats. The course is designed to provide accurate information with a balanced approach, providing students with the necessary skills needed to prevent exposure, and possibly save a life. 
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This course is recommended for all businesses and schools, including industry, factory workers, executive staff, community members and anyone needing the vital information as required by OSHA.
Program Contents 
Standards and Guidelines
Routes of Infection This course is taught to the current 
listnum "WP List 1" \l 1 Signs and Symptoms State of California Office of Safety
listnum "WP List 1" \l 1 Types of Exposures and Health Administration (OSHA) 
listnum "WP List 1" \l 1 Universal Precautions standards. This course meets and 
listnum "WP List 1" \l 1 Personal Protective Equipment exceeds all insurance and OSHA 
listnum "WP List 1" \l 1 Employers Responsibilities regulations. The course is based on 
listnum "WP List 2" \l 1 Post Exposure Procedures National Guidelines and contains 
listnum "WP List 2" \l 1 Exposure Control Plan essential information needed to save
listnum "WP List 2" \l 1 Policy Recommendations a life.
listnum "WP List 2" \l 1 Proper Disposal
listnum "WP List 2" \l 1 Handling Spills Benefits of Our Course
All instructors are health care workers with real life experience
Most current and relevant information
Relaxed learning environment
Easily understood
Hands on participation with a confident, encouraging atmosphere

LINK 2 LIFE provides basic blood-borne pathogen training classes for the layperson that are taught to the recommendations and standards of OSHA requirements. Upon completion, the participant will be able to identify possible exposure potential, mitigation, and proper notification procedures. In addition, the student will have a basic understanding of blood-borne pathogens and their threats. The course is designed to provide accurate information with a balanced approach, providing students with the necessary skills needed to prevent exposure, and possibly save a life.



  • 4 hours


  • • Laguna Hills Campus

NOTE: Call for group classes.















  • • 4 hours


  • • Laguna Hills Campus


NOTE: Call for group classes.